VHT Fifty/CL  Green. Click to enlarge

VHT Fifty/CL Green

Price: $1500.00

Condition: excellent

Case: none

This Pittbull Fifty/CL head is in prestine condition and works great, delievering 50 watts of powerful tone (matching cabinet available with inquiry)! It merges VHT’s two top preamp voicings with an EL34-powered design. Features include Gain Stacking, a footswitchable boost, series/parallel effects, a Class A mode toggle, Tube Rectifier, and a 6L6/EL34 switch for versatile tonal options.

Here's some additional information from the manufacturer:

"The Pittbull Fifty/CL is designed for straight ahead players who prefer to rely on the guitar volume for the clean sound. Two channels of unapologetic attitude with a 50-watt power plant, deliver thick touch sensitive response with a decidedly British persuasion. This is a no-nonsense amplifier with a deceptively simple feature set in which either channel can serve as a Clean, Crunch or Burn channel. The CL’s Red & Green channels are similarly configured but voiced slightly differently for a wide palate of pristine clean, slightly dirty clean, spanking crunch and aggressive but harmonically rich overdrive. Combined with an extremely expressive graphic EQ, this allows for quick and intuitive sound sculpting."

Feel free to message us or call the shop with any questions!

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